
As i expected, Trump wins

In my previous post about trump chances in winning, i expected that a lot of people would be lying to polls just to avoid being labeled as racists etc … And that in fact, Trump is much more popular than what appears in polls, and that was the case.

Maybe we need a new type of polling

I expected that a lot of Latino and African American voters would vote for Trump, and so they did!

The political pundits are still trying to frame this as a last minute decision, even-though most voters made up their mind before September.

Democrats thought they can play the gender card, after all the race card was successful for the last 2 terms, unfortunately for them it did not work well, because it appears it might have created a polarizing choice.
> if the wife is voting for her just because she is a woman, the husband might vote for him to cancel the wife’s vote,  more women voted for Hillary (not only because she is a women, but also because of supporting abortion, and because of the trump audio about grabbing private parts), but also more men voted for Trump (some can not handle being led by a woman, especially those men having women bosses and managers)

PS: I’m not a Republican nor a Democrat, heck, i’m not even American ..

What are Trump chances ?

After watching the last 2 US presidential debates, i came to notice that Donald Trump is not the dumb guy portrayed by the media. In many points he makes sense …

It is visible though that Hillary is way more prepared and experienced, due mainly to her 30 year presence in one way or another on the political scene. This is not necessarily a good thing for electors, as they might associate her with previous politics failure.
Another point is interesting from a political point of view, is that Trump is a bit naive when it comes to the US foreign policy, even though he does quote wikileaks often, it seams that he do not give the same importance to all the revelations, which also include the US involvement in changing and shaping regions to it’s liking , i would recommend reading or watching “the confessions of an economic hitman”

But back to the question, What are Trump chances in Winning the US Elections ?

I would describe them as high, for the following reasons:

1- Hillary does not appear trustworthy, as a neutral observer, it stroke me several times that she is manipulative. Don’t get me wrong, Trump also appears lying, but the difference is that he does not appear manipulative, but simply lying to save face.

2- The media have demonized Trump so much, that it’s not possible to identify his supporters anymore, the supporters did not abandon him, but they are just pretending something else. They might tell you they want to vote for Hillary or Sanders (eventhough he’s not on ballots anymore) or charlie brown etc…, but at the end of the day, they will vote for their candidate. So, no way to trust the Polls, the margin of error is HUGE (sorry couldn’t resist).

3- He is definitely getting all the votes of people fed up with illegal immigration, and that include: many African American, many American Latinos.

4- He has the bible belt support, and don’t be surprised if your local church is telling you to go vote for Trump just before election day.


So yeah, Trump chances are still pretty high, need to wait and see.


Why did Britain choose to Brexit

In case you have no idea yet why would the UK decide to leave the EU,

Here’s a couple good examples (videos below) at what is happening at the French / UK borders.

This is happening inside a EU state, these are not desperate people trying to cross the border from a war torn country.

2 Weeks ago, 3 journalists from the mail almost died when their car crashed due to one of these illegal immigrants throwing a branch of tree on their car, see the last video below.

How can this be even acceptable ?

For F”ck sake, i am an immigrant as well , i immigrated to Europe 12 years ago, on a college scholarship, and after having a small startup and meeting a nice girl, i stayed. Most of my study friends that came with me, left back to home …. Yes we are immigrants, but those are opportunist – which all are illegal immigrants by the way –  operating in a mob mentality, hoping to game the system. They have close to no skills and they are not even smart enough to game the system on their own, they tell one another how to do it.


Why Populations will never know the truth !

Are we alone in the universe, have aliens visited us?
Is there a God? are religions made up brainwashing tools?
Is humanity in danger? will a comet or another spacial phenomena exterminate humanity in the near or far future?

The answers for the above and many critical questions, will never be known by the public and for a simple reason …

When critical information are shared with the public, the current human management system based on made up currency will fall apart!

Money is the way to enslave most humans, it’s the way to make them execute specific jobs and tasks …
I can safely assume that 80% of people do not like their jobs.

In the case of impending doom, do you think these people will waste the last days or years doing the same jobs they hate? or would they prefer to join their loved ones and enjoy the last few days or years they have ?
In this case what would be the side effects of such a liberation from jobs? Currency will have a huge inflation and eventually become worthless…
In other words, if the population know about a planetary catastrophic event, it might lead to the inevitability of such event … because there would no longer be the necessary workforce needed to come up with a solution. Special task force and engineers will be committed, but the material and requested resources might suffer due to a complete implosion of production and transportation system.

for example:
Let’s say in 2 years a series of comets will hit earth, and the information was made public, governments will agree on a specific defense system which will require a huge number of custom made rockets, these rockets to be made will rely on traditional industries like metallurgy &chemical productions … 2 industries in normal cases employ millions of people, but when like all industries they would be crippled in the event of mass resignations, and the production of the defense system would be endangered.
Transportation will be crippled, as people go on mass riots, and governments will be obliged to impose curfew to impose order, and thus any sort of productivity is lost.

Humanity can take on anything, but only when it’s calm.




To do list & year/decade resolution for humanity

It’s the part of the year, when we start preparing our resolutions and our plans to engage the new year …

But what we failed to do is to look at this very productive activity from a wider scope or a global point of view … We the human race have failed in creating a unified 1year, 5 year or 10 year plan to improve the human existence on this planet.

Yes, specific organizations have this sort of multi year plan, but it addresses specific subject and often specific populations. A global plan to the scope of the planet have never been formulated or announced.

So here you go, here’s my modest attempt at it, and hopefully the internet will be helpful in improving it….

Humanity To Do List

Humanity 10 years Resolution

1- Switch to electric cars
2- Switch to renewable energy
3- Minimize the use of paper and reduce wood consumption
4- Start a Global effort to clean the oceans and revitalize the fish populations / impose some bans.
5- Reduce meat consumption by teaching more vegetarian and vegan recipes.
6- Reduce garbage, by reducing packaging, imposing laws to minimal packaging.
7- Ban plastic bags.
8- Centralize all space efforts, and put a tax per on countries according to their GDP
9- Land on Mars & create a Moon base.
10- Unify all armies under the UN commandment. 
11- Ban religious teaching for kids under 16. -this will be controversial-
12- Provide old age retirement centers for old people in poor countries - condition they have 2 kids or less.
13- Impose 1 or 2 child policy on highly reproductive populations : we don't want the future of humanity like in Idiocracy
14- Advance recycling and processing laws and applications.
15- Make all stats available, with no hiding or political correctness.
16- Change prisons into labor camps > Paying back to society literally.
17- Democratize governments, and decision making... this system is outdated.
18- Global connectivity: Something better than Facebook : not time waster.
19- Fast epidemic detection & response.
20- Unified monetary system based on value, not i owe yous.
21- Right for independence > whoever want to be independent let them be!
22- Education system redesigned around future roles in society.

I'm open for your suggestions, i'll add any suggestion below ...

Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Photos & Video

This post – is just about current news

Yesterday, prince Rashid , the son of the ruler of Dubai Mohammed Al Maktoum, passed away.

i saw many articles showing his younger brother -Hamdan- pictures instead of his, so i had to do a bit of searching to find his pictures, as it seams there are few pictures online showing Rashid.

here’s all what i was able to find.





Tourism: try to speak the local language, natives will be nicer!



In most cases when tourists visit a country, they do not know the local language, and they often do a big mistake of speaking in English instead of trying to speak the local language first!

My advice, is to try to speak the local language first, even if it’s just for a few words, and here’s why:

When you try to speak in English in a non English speaking foreign country, you are pushing the person you are communicating with outside his/her comfort zone, and if he /she knows little English, you are pushing him/her to make fun of self. That will build a wall, other than the communication wall that is already there, and minimize the friendliness of the natives.

On the other side, if you try to speak their language, even if you fail, you are going outside of your comfort zone, you are ready to make fun of yourself, thus you will get a feeling of sympathy and appreciation for your effort, this will help remove the communication wall that is in place.

Advice: when planning a trip to a country, try to learn few verbs, and few nouns, even if you can’t construct a phrase and even if the people you’ll meet are able to communicate in English, do so and you’ll have a much better experience.

Tip: invest a bid of your time to learn 30-50 essential verbs and 30-50 essential nouns, note them in a notebook and keep it with you.

Sustainable development : Grow vegetables you can regrow – at home

To start let me give the definition of Sustainable development,
According to wikipedia,

Sustainable development is an organizing principle for human life on a finite planet. It posits a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use meet human needs without undermining the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that future generations may also have their needs met.

In simple terms, Sustainable development is a way of living that does minimum damage and alterations to the ecosystem and natural resources, in other words production that can be sustained forever with minimum human implication, as opposed to the production model that needs to be started from the beginning every time.

In this spirit here’s some cool tips that will allow you to em-barque on this journey by growing your own vegetables the sustainable way:

1- Grow Scallions :
You can regrow scallions by leaving an inch attached to the roots and place them in a small glass with a little water in a well-lit room.

2- Grow Celery:
Cut off the base of the celery and place it in a saucer or shallow bowl of warm water in the sun. Leaves will begin to thicken and grow in the middle of the base, then transfer the celery to soil.


3- Grow Bok Choy:
Bok choy can be regrown by placing the root end in water in a well-lit area. In 1-2 weeks , you can transplant it to a pot with soil and grow a full new head.

4- Grow Romaine Lettuce:
Put romaine lettuce stumps in a 1/2 inch of water. Re-water to keep water level at 1/2 inch. After a few days, roots and new leaves will appear and you can transplant it into soil.

5- Grow Cilantro:
The stems of cilantro will grown when placed in a glass of water. Once the roots are long enough, transplant to soil in a pot in a well-lit room. Full plant takes a couple months.

6- Grow Basil:
Put clippings from basil with 3 to 4-inch stems in a glass of water and place it in direct sunlight. When the roots are about 2 inches long, plant them in pots to and in time it will grow a full basil plant.
