Month: October 2014

Ebola virus can spread through handshake – prevention tips


With the recent Ebola outbreak, people are trying to understand how the virus works and how to avoid catching it!
And the incompetent media and politicians are always repeating the same key phrase :

human-to-human transmission requires direct contact with infected bodily fluids, including blood, vomit and feces.

You get the impression that everything is ok, no need to panic, then you see the numbers of people infected … 8000 and increasing daily … And you realize it’s simply not possible that these people are touching blood, vomit and feces!!!!

The media then repeat, it’s not airborn or transmitted by air, giving you a sense of security but failing to mention the most important social behavior that would lead to the spread of the virus …. a simple handshake !!!

There might be a very low risk of catching ebola if an infected person coughs or sneezes around you, but the risk is high if you shake his hand!

Ebola spreads through bodily fluids, that means also sweat, thus any kind of sport that leads to sweat is a high infection factor especially basketball, wrestling …!

Ebola will infect you if it reaches a break in the skin or the mucous membranes found around your eyes, mouth and nose.

Make sure to wash your hands after touching people to avoid transmitting a potential virus to your eyes or nose.

If you live in a society, where customs demand to give a kiss when you meet someone you know, “faire la bise” in french, just stop it.

Symptoms of Ebola infection:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea (may be bloody)
  • Red eyes
  • Raised rash
  • Chest pain and cough
  • Stomach pain
  • Severe weight loss
  • Bleeding, usually from the eyes, and bruising (people near death may bleed from other orifices, such as ears, nose and rectum)
  • Internal bleeding

The best prevention, is strict quarantines on villages,cities, and even countries having high number of infections.