Month: May 2014

How to achieve World Peace and unify humanity – my theory

Many ideologies tried unifying humanity, most are religious … needless to say all the ideologies failed, religions succeeded in unifying some chunks, but they suffered later divisions as well …

Political wise, many tried to unify humanity in some sort, some on socio-political basis: like Communism; others by force like roman empire , Nazis(not really) etc… and they all failed as well …

Partially unifying humanity in the past, succeeded in reducing bloodshed (even though blood was spilled for expansions), and establishing some rule of law allowing the weak to live relatively without fear.

Under the roman empire inter-fighting between tribes came to an end, and groups started contributing to the global empire,  accessing goods and knowledge from other parts of the empire as well as providing it led to prosperity!
Under the Islamic empire, endless fighting between tribes came to an end, and prosperity followed as well!

So we can agree that Unity = Prosperity!
But unity means, there need to be something in common, and it also means that there’s some people that would be excluded from this group.

And most importantly, will unity stays intact and perfect as the numbers grow and the time passes …  the answer is No, and religions are a great example on how a united group sooner or later breaks into smaller groups that in turn will suffer divisions as well.

These days, every group or ethnicity are dreaming of self governance, from Quebec – Canada, to Texas – USA, to Catalonia Spain … If you give the populations the choice to get divided, sooner or later they will do it, and groups will become smaller and smaller.
Divisions follow a variety of factors like language, religion, tribe, ethnicity, culture, football club ….

Strengthening the nationalistic spirit does not resolve this issue because separatist spirit is much stronger!  Strong nationalism end up pitting populations one against another!

My theory:
The only path to a true and lasting unity is through intense diversity .

Let me explain, when people are tough that every single individual is unique, and the groups the person belong to, only make part of  his/her uniqueness and identity, people will no longer want to be identified as only members in a smaller groups, because that would suppress their identities, and as a result we have a stronger feeling towards a unified humanity, where everyone is accepted for what he/she is.

For example let’s take a fictional character John,
John belongs to the groups:
– French
– Speaks French and English
– Support Barcalona in soccer.
– Is Breton
– Is White
– Has black hair
– Has green eyes
– is an Artist
– is Gay
– is Catholic
– Human

From the above descriptions, John can identify himself as a member X group, when asked to answer “who are you?” (how you identify yourself)  but If people are taught that they are the sum of the different groups they belong to, and that no group they belong to can have dominance over the others in determining the identity unless it can contain the other groups, then in this case, John only answer should be “human” or the biggest group he belongs to that would group all his identities.
But in reality, John would answer is most likely “Artist”,”Gay”, “Breton”, “French”

Let’s take another  fictional character Ahmet,
Ahmet belongs to the groups:
– French
– Speaks French and English
– Support Barcalona in soccer.
– Is of Moroccan Origin
– Is light Brown
– Has black hair
– Has green eyes
– is an Artist
– is Straight
– is Muslim
– Human

Ahmet is more likely to answer “Muslim”, “Artist”

Let’s take another  fictional character Anas,
Anas belongs to the groups:
– French
– Speaks French and English
– Support Barcalona in soccer.
– Is of a mix relation Moroccan & French
– Is white but with a tan
– Has black hair
– Has green eyes
– is an Artist
– is Straight
– is Muslim
– Human

Anas is more likely to answer “Artist”

Subject 1 have strong feelings towards it’s roots, but when the parents have moved (subject 2) or are from mixed origins (subject 3) , the roots factor is less stronger.
Even strong dividers like religion disappear when there’s mixing or strong interactions (friends, family members, GF/BF)

How to achieve intense diversity? that’s a difficult question that i don’t know the answer to!

why hollywood movies and series suck so bad in genetics and biology?

I watched a Science-fiction series named ‘ the tomorrow people “, the series just ended it’s 1st season and then got cancelled by CW, because it was unable to get enough audience, i guess …

I am a big SiFi fan, but what annoyed me the most in this series is it’s butchering of basic genetics, i mean they were so ignorant genetically wise that it was amazing to imagine how they dared present it, especially when the main plot is all about genetics!

To start : they called “the tomorrow people” another species, simply because this “new species” have 7 additional proteins that give them superpowers, the problem is that they used the word all the time when they should have avoided it, and here’s why:
– different species are different morphologically, in the series all look normal human.
– different species can’t interbreed, but if they can, the offspring are sterile, in the series mix offspring are the vast majority.

How a new species is born: In the series out of a sudden, thousands of individuals have the same mutations giving them powers, let’s assume for a moment they are a ‘new species’ ,  a species doesn’t appear simply by having thousands of people having the exact same mutations at the same time, a new species always starts with 1 individual and takes hundreds of  life-cycles to be established (meaning thousands of years).


Another case of Hollywood biology fail is Vampire Academy, the movie sucked! but what annoyed me the most is their use of the term race to describe the different types of vampires!
Here’s how ridiculous it is: Moroi become Strigoi  (another race) when they kill while feeding from a human or other Moroi. You can not change Race due to an action!

And there’s hundreds of similar errors in movies and series….

How can they afford to invest millions without checking the script out, with a biology teacher or a doctor at least!