Month: July 2015


Gender equality & Gender discrimination: the reality !

In the spirit of the contrarian opinions, i have decided to write today about a subject we have been hearing about a lot lately. The approach i’ll take is based on what i observed even-though, it’s not the popular point of view.
Again, i precise, this is a contrarian blog (the opinions are contrary to what is popular these days), the opinions are based on facts, so if you can’t handle facts, F!off.

Gender Equality ,

what is the reality of Gender discrimination?

I have been pondering on this subject in my head since at least a year, there was many articles at the time about how few women are in tech, and many considered the tech sector as discriminating against women…

Since then, i have been trying to analyze the reality of gender discrimination.

First, i would like to distinguish between the women rights activists of the 1800’s – to 1960/70 and the Feminists of the modern age, you can not in any way compare these 2.
Women rights activists were fighting for basic rights and proper rights, like learning, voting, driving, etc …
As for the feminists of these days, they are fighting for privileges and quotas.

This being said, that does not negate the fact, that in many parts of the worlds – not the western world though – many women are being oppressed, and gender discrimination is a reality!


What is the role of males ?

As a biologist, i tend to compare humans to other organisms …

Some female insects, devour the male right after mating with it. Some other animals keep the male population to a minimum.
For some species, males have a harem of females, and for others they compete to get the female.

From this point of view, we see that our human species was always almost equal in numbers of females and males, hence no importance of a gender over the other.
We also realize the role males had to play, from providing food to protecting the tribe, the reason for that role is that males are not only much stronger and robust than women, they are also bigger, which is an important factor in protection against wild beasts or enemy tribes.
Due to this, men became the doers, and women took care of the social and family life, and thousands of years of repetition made this role become a habit.
Since, humanity moved into a system based on money, and then societies grew to giant size, and roles in societies became so specialized that women were able to become doers as well.

Fixing the bathroom sign to be more real

Fixing the bathroom sign to be more real

Gender discrimination : it’s discrimination against men

A couple observations, had me thinking that actually men are the ones that are being discriminated against, and in a way society screwed men without them knowing it.

1. For men we have to make a living because we are men, we have to do to be, it’s not the case for women that can just take care of their beauty and have a wonderful life. women vs men roles in society
Just listen to this lady that explained the situation amazingly :

2. For men when we hit rock bottom, we hit it alone!
Just take a look around you, and compare the number of homeless men vs the number of homeless women …
Yep, men are the absolute majority of the homeless population, that’s because women often jump ships before the ship sinks. They can do so because women can find a date or a new man easily, and moving in with the new boyfriend is seen as a normal thing, but the opposite is not true.

3. Women have a cheat card for life!
Until recently, i naively thought that all prostitutes are victims of gangs that force them to work in prostitution and steal their money … I was wrong!
I met this prostitute, through a relative, on a social occasion. She opened my eyes to the fact that some women, with less than average beauty, and a lot of makeup, can make in few hours a week, more than what CEO’s working 24/7  can make in a month!
This had me thinking, and after watching some documentaries, etc … i realized, that yes, many women are victims to organized prostitution rings, but many more  have been doing it on their own.
In a documentary, a prostitute said, that she does not wish to stop the work she does, because she simply can never find a job that pays her as well, to continue living the luxury life, she is doing now!

Another important cheat card, is the “in office affairs”, that mostly happen between a male boss and a female employee, true that some may be abuse by the boss, but, it is also a known fact, that many women use their “charm” to go up the corporate ladder faster than their colleagues.

In this category, we can also classify the young women, that get married to old rich men.

4. Easier for women to find jobs.
These days, it’s much easier for a woman to find a job, there are several sectors that are entirely dominated by women, even though men have the skills to be employed they are not. And we are seeing more and more women working in jobs that require skills usually associated with men.
So basically when the choice is a women, no one objects, but when the choice is a man, we should check the gender quotas of the company!!

5. When women leave, they take half of what you own!
When couples divorce, they split their wealth, right? Wrong! When was the last time you heard about a man taking half of his ex-wife’s wealth ? Never? Exactly! Now how many ex-wife took half her husband hard earned wealth … countless.
Where is the fairness, this might be right back when women stayed at home to take care of the kids, while men worked, but now days, when both men and women work, why in the world should any one get a part of the other person hard earned money?!!!
I read a heart breaking article recently, a German man decided to literally split in half everything he owned, he even cut in half his car and iphone! he recorded it presenting the video with :
“”Thank you for 12 ‘beautiful years,’ Laura! You’ve really earned half.” ”



Back to what bothers me the most, why are feminists pushing for more gender equality in tech companies, meaning hiring more female employees, when most women do not even like this sector.
They do not have the required skills, and yet they want more employment opportunity in this sector, this is not gender equality, this is lobbying.
The idea that “what is ours is ours, and half of what is yours is ours” is not a call for gender equality is any way.




A contrarian blog.

I am and always was a freethinker, that's why I have decided to focus mainly in this blog on contrarian ideas and opinions. 
I think this society is pushing everybody to take sides in debates, instead of letting people think freely.

Contrarian ideas and opinions, are not popular and are often subject to criticism.
But these opinions and ideas are necessary to dispel the horde thinking of society.
Yes, we live in a society were popular opinions dominate and even bully the opposite opinions.
Celebrities and so called "persons of authority" make and promote opinions on behalf of the entire society. 
And funnily enough, most of these opinions are not valid, they might be popular or even ideal, but they are simply opinions not based on any scientific or fairness criteria.
I will try to focus hard to find contratian opinions and try to share them, and defend them, and i'm sure i'll stumble on many.