Month: November 2016

As i expected, Trump wins

In my previous post about trump chances in winning, i expected that a lot of people would be lying to polls just to avoid being labeled as racists etc … And that in fact, Trump is much more popular than what appears in polls, and that was the case.

Maybe we need a new type of polling

I expected that a lot of Latino and African American voters would vote for Trump, and so they did!

The political pundits are still trying to frame this as a last minute decision, even-though most voters made up their mind before September.

Democrats thought they can play the gender card, after all the race card was successful for the last 2 terms, unfortunately for them it did not work well, because it appears it might have created a polarizing choice.
> if the wife is voting for her just because she is a woman, the husband might vote for him to cancel the wife’s vote,  more women voted for Hillary (not only because she is a women, but also because of supporting abortion, and because of the trump audio about grabbing private parts), but also more men voted for Trump (some can not handle being led by a woman, especially those men having women bosses and managers)

PS: I’m not a Republican nor a Democrat, heck, i’m not even American ..