Month: January 2018

God the Multiverse & Simulation

the Godly simulation

I have previously covered the topic of reincarnation

As a contrarian thinker and as an agnostic, i feel comfortable sharing my next idea 😛

I was watching an episode of black mirror the other day, and it was about simulation … then it hit me … what if …

There is a God, and the God have a kind of simulation to be able to judge the personality of spirits/people, and that simulation is a set of millions of parallel universes -commonly know as multiverse –

There must have been someone who have thought of this before, apparently not, thus i get to name this theory ! and i’ll call it “the Godly simulation

+ What if dreams are the way we connect with ourselves in other universes.
+ What if we get to have a different physical appearance in these other universes / or even gender.
+ What if these other universes have another set of physics and biology laws … that would explain a lot of weird dreams …


I’m not a believer in this theory, but it’s worth reflecting upon. So why not!


Boys hate school, Girls love it … Broken system

So my 8 yr old kid was telling me about how his friend asked him to make a computer game of “this friend” kicking and hitting teacher, director and destroying the school …

When i said, but that’s not nice, why he wants to do that…
My kid answered ” because he does not like school”

I asked my son, “do you”

He answered “No”,

So then asked who else does not like school, so he named all the boys in his class,so i asked, what about the girls? his answer was “most of them like school”

Then i realized 2 facts:

– It is widely known that boys do not like school, while girls do.

– It is also known that there are much more female educators than male educators especially for the primary classes.

What if, this is the problem? what if the female educators are trying to educate the way they expect that they would like to learn …

Don’t get me wrong, my kid loves to learn, he is probably the most educated in his class, but that’s thanks to my work as a parent. For him school is boring.
Thus the question is not with the content but with the system of delivery.

Maybe the way the male and the female acquire knowledge are different, and if it is the case, studies should be done, to better take advantage of the potential of our kids.

Of course psychology and experts have found a million reason why our boys are dysfunctional, but have they ever put in question the method of delivery?

School is outdated, many of the aspects of our society are archaic and broken, with the current progress, the school system should be overhauled, the education system should be redesigned to take advantage of the potential, but also to make our kids, all our kids, love to learn ..

the difference between current and potential is huge, making our boys love their subjects is basically helping create a better future.

But hey what could this contrarian guy do other than complain …