
Advertising Companies will always be objectifying women

When it comes to advertising, anything that can create buzz is and will always be used !!! I know because i happen to run an advertising company with it’s Buzz creating and PR sections.

So that would seam weird for people in the industry, to hear that an Ad agency -none the less- is waging war against objectifying women in ads … But from the basic principle of PR, you would immediately understand that the campaign goal is to hijack feminists agenda, for indirect self promotion.

here’s the video by the agency:
They basically searched on the internet for ads objectifying women throughout the world …

I am not saying it is ok, to show women in every ad, but it seams that the image of sexy women is way more effective to attract the attention of MEN, and that’s why agencies have been using the image of women since ever, also that’s why they hire more female receptionists, and why modeling agencies hire mostly female modelsĀ  …

Reality is, humans operate on basic instincts, especially when in automated mode, breeding, hunger and fear are huge factors in our decision making, even-though most of us don’t even realize that. Read the emotional role in advertising.

That’s why Sex sells when it comes to advertising, and when it comes to business and capital, what works is often reproduced and considered a rule of success.

It’s true that in some cases the agencies are rude and highly unprofessional, for example this agency in Singapore that made this Burger King ad , got probably a lot of negative press. But they say all press is good press.


But then again, the views are what interest the agencies and the customer, so you could see why Car’s Jr Superbowl Ad featured a naked woman, well because if it didn’t they would have to work 30-40 times harder to make the ad get the same attention and viewership, and that’s 30 time the budget of the ad …

Objectifying women, is not going anytime soon, simply because it is effective in selling stuff to men! But then again, the only way that would happen is if you go to live in Saudi Arabia or other religiously strict countries, were laws forbid this type of ads, or if laws are passed to block the use, but that would be a challenge to the freedom of speech.

-On a side note, as a man, i am sorry, but we men, are too rough, except for flagrant mistakes like the Burger King ad above, most of us see nothing wrong in featuring a sexy woman in an ad –