
Women’s March Against Trump?

There’s something amusing happening around the world …

There’s few dozens women’s marches taking place in several major cities …

The amusing part is that it’s women’s marches, why it’s amusing ? because they are objecting the democratic election of a US president.

So these chicks either don’t understand the word democracy, or have a problem realizing that they will not get what they want!

In other words, these are the “empowered” women that have been holding the flag of emasculating men for a long time, and now they are not happy that a women wasn’t able to get the throne.

Again, i’m not a Trump supporter, i’m not even American. I have no idea what kind of president he will be, and honestly don’t care!

This post was intentionally written in a male chauvinistic tone, because let’s be honest what’s happening is childish.


Edit: Having reflected on this subject for more than 10 minutes, i realize why women in general are expressing their disapproval of trump presidency, whether image wise -trophy wife- or more concrete subjects -abortion aid ban-.